Washing liquid for dishwashers CLINEX DishWash Premium, 10l

Washing liquid for dishwashers DishWash Premium, 10l

a CLINEX CL77946CPV:39830000-9

  • alkaline cleaner suitable for use with hard water, for washing dishes in commercial dishwashers
  • perfectly deals with all kinds of dirt, removes dried remains of food, beverages and very greasy stains
  • perfectly cleans porcelain, glassware and dishes made of stainless steel or plastic modern formula prevents lime, magnesium and silicate deposits
  • it is recommended to use it together with Clinex DiShine Premium polishing agent, thus obtaining perfectly washed and polished dishes
  • capacity: 10l

  • Certyfikat zgodności opisu produktu z rzeczywistością
  • New product

Prices tax incl.

337,84 PLNaverage

371,71 PLNmaximum

312,24 PLNminimum

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