Punched Pockets for Business Cards , PP, A4, cristal, 50 micron
a DONAU 1716001PL-00 CPV:30192500-6made of smooth ecological polypropylene film with a thickness of 60μm...
Average price 1,79 PLN tax incl., max: 1,86 PLN, min: 1,72 PLN
made of smooth ecological polypropylene film with a thickness of 60μm...
Average price 1,79 PLN tax incl., max: 1,86 PLN, min: 1,72 PLN
przetargibiurowe.pl (+48) 600 092 062
Working hours: Office, live chat: 800 - 1700 Support online: 24h
Michał Troc Customer service m.troc@przetargibiurowe.pl