File with velcro closure, OFFICE PRODUCTS, PP, A4/4cm, 3 flaps, assorted colours

File with velcro closure, , PP, A4/4cm, 3 flaps, assorted colours

a OFFICE PRODUCTS 21187411-99CPV:22850000-3

  • made of a rigid, smooth on both sides cardboard of 2mm;
  • made of sturdy cardboard, coated with coloured chalk paper and colourless PP film of canvas texture;
  • closing with velcro
  • white coating inside;
  • format: A4+
  • spine width: 40 mm
  • dimensions: 40x250x320mm
  • colours: assorted colours

  • Certyfikat zgodności opisu produktu z rzeczywistością
  • price quarantee

Prices tax incl.

12,45 PLNaverage

14,99 PLNmaximum

10,44 PLNminimum

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