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Coffee ESPRESSO, ground, 250 g


  • A perfect proposition for lovers of the classic" "little black dress"
  • is a blend of Arabica beans from Central and South America
  • the coffee is distinguished by a characteristic, deep aroma and exquisite taste
  • has a low caffeine content, so it can be consumed even in the late afternoon without fear
  • delights with a delicate sweet taste, and its extraordinary aroma resembles a combination of flowers and fruits
  • it can be easily brewed in an automatic and semi-automatic machine
  • it can also be prepared in a coffee maker or in a traditional way
  • roast degree: 5/10
  • net weight: 250 g

Prices tax incl.

22,28 PLNaverage

23,99 PLNmaximum

21,14 PLNminimum

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