Ballpoint Pen, coil security, ICO Lux 1. 6mm (line), transparent blue

Ballpoint Pen, coil security, Lux 1. 6mm (line), transparent blue

a ICO I9570076004CPV:30192121-5

  • elegant ballpoint pen on a coil;
  • dedicated to public places, like offices, post offices, receptions etc.
  • ballpoint pen held in upright position;
  • coil resistant to deformation;
  • modern design;
  • ball diameter: 1.6mm
  • line thickness: 0.8mm
  • line length: ca 2500m;
  • colour: transparent blue

  • Certyfikat zgodności opisu produktu z rzeczywistością
  • length of writing line
  • thickness of writing line
  • ball diameter

Prices tax incl.

26,98 PLNaverage

32,93 PLNmaximum

24,65 PLNminimum

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