Cleaninig Milk CLINEX Stronger, 750ml

Cleaninig Milk Stronger, 750ml

a CLINEX CL77686CPV:39830000-9

  • ready-to-use;
  • designed to remove all types of dirt from the surface of cookers, kitchen countertops, tiles, floor tiles, bathtubs, shower trays, chromium plated or enamelled surfaces, enamelled pots, made of stainless steel and other;
  • effectively removes stubborn greasy dirt; mineral deposits and rust from any washable surfaces;
  • will not scratch the surface being cleaned, thanks to really fine abrasive substance;
  • leaves the surface without streaks;
  • gives long-lasting gloss;
  • leaves a pleasant scent;
  • capacity: 750ml

Prices tax incl.

12,24 PLNaverage

14,38 PLNmaximum

11,08 PLNminimum

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