Phone and address directory
a NO NAME LIZ137CPV:30197210-1

- size 18.7 cm x 10.5 cm
- pages with cut-out letters of the alphabet: there is 1 sheet per letter
- lines on pages for easy writing of addresses/telephones
- without Polish characters
Brand | NO NAME |
Class | Economic |
Nr dostawcy | LIZ137 |
Nr Celcen | 16-01293-193 |
Kod kreskowy | 5901819050581 |
Nazwa produktu | Phone and address directory, a NO NAME LIZ137 |
Kategoria | Index Book |
Colour | white/red |
Kind | alphabetical |
Material | paper |
Offer from | 2014-06 |
Type | square ruled |
format | A4 |
weight (g/m2) | 70 |
number of sheets | 96 |
Hit | Hit |
CPV | 30197210-1 Ring binders |
Unit 1 | 10 | (+48) 600 092 062
Working hours: Office, live chat: 800 - 1700 Support online: 24h
Michał Troc Customer service