Labeller, PRINTEX Smart, 2-row, 16 characters, red

Labeller, PRINTEX Smart, 2-row, 16 characters, red

a NO NAME PXSM2616-16R/NT-04CPV:30170000-1

  • high class, 2-row labeller for 16 characters;
  • 8 characters in the top row and 8 characters in the bottom row;
  • easy replacement of tags and dyeing roller
  • special symbols: kg, zł, gr,/,-, X, M, KOD Days, £, $, Є, №, . , XL, S, XS, L, %
  • user manual in Polish
  • the dimensions of the labels: 26x16mm
  • 2 years warranty
  • colour: red

  • Certyfikat zgodności opisu produktu z rzeczywistością
  • warranty

Prices tax incl.

372,01 PLNaverage

447,57 PLNmaximum

339,98 PLNminimum

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