Photocopy paper CLIMATE CHOICE, A4, class B+, 80gsm, 500 sheets
a HP HP-006148CPV:30197644-2

- Environmentally friendly paper
- Enables high quality printing on climate-neutral paper
- Designed to operate without jams, saving you time and money, extending equipment life and making your work easier
- Paper for everyday home and office use
- Climate neutral
- Plastic-free
- Exceptional print quality
- Environmentally responsible
- Smudge-free printing
- For various applications
- ClimatePartner certified
- Weight (ISO 536) 80 +/- 2 g/m2
- Whiteness (ISO 11475) 161 +/- 3 CIE
- Thickness (ISO 534) 108 +/- 3 µm
- Smoothness (ISO 8791-2) 230 +/- 50 Bendtsen ml/min
- Opacity (ISO 2471) 92 +/- 2%
- Format: A4
- Color: white