Photocopy paper COPY, A4, Class C, 80gsm, 500 sheets.
a HP HP-005318CPV:30197644-2

- The right choice for all your daily office needs
- Designed for jam resistance
- Suitable for use in all laser and inkjet printers and copiers
- Perfect for printing notes, drafts, emails, reports, documents
- internal and copies
- Provides excellent black and white printing results
- Weight (ISO 536) 80 +/- 2 g/m2
- Whiteness (ISO 11475) 146 +/- 3 CIE
- Thickness (ISO 534) 106 +/- 3 µm
- Smoothness (ISO 5627) 220 +/- 50 Bendtsen ml/min
- Opacity (ISO 2471) 92 +/- 2%
- Format: A4
- Color: white