Memo Pad Holder POST-IT® Z-Notes (B330-1RG), eco-friendly cardboard, 76x76mm, 200 cards, yellow, Self-adhesive pads, Paper and labels, EKO-CERT

Memo Pad Holder Z-Notes (B330-1RG), eco-friendly cardboard, 76x76mm, 200 cards, yellow

a POST-IT-3M 3M-FT510283607CPV:22816300-6

  • memo pad holder with eco-friendly Z-Notes pads;
  • Z-Notes system means a pile of sheets zig-zag folded in a pad;
  • after pulling one sheet from the dispenser, the following one slides out automatically, so
  • even while talking on the phone you are able to pull out the sheet and note the information;
  • pads made from 100% recycled materials;
  • perfect for making notes, leaving messages or reminders;
  • set includes: 1x200 sheets, size 76x76mm and a cardboard holder,
  • colour of sheets: yellow

  • Certyfikat zgodności opisu produktu z rzeczywistością
  • Blauer Angel certified

Prices tax incl.

33,20 PLNaverage

36,37 PLNmaximum

29,10 PLNminimum

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