Heavy Duty Hole Punch, SAXDesign 908, capacity u to 150 sheets, black

Heavy Duty Hole Punch, Design 908, capacity u to 150 sheets, black

a SAX ISAXD908CPV:30197330-8

  • heavy duty hole punch;
  • metal mechanism, metal housing;
  • punching capacity: up to 150 sheets;
  • 2 holes;
  • diameter of the hole: 5.5 mm;
  • distance between holes: 80 mm;
  • base equipped with anti-slip pads;
  • spare bolts and cog wheels available;
  • warranty: 10 years;
  • colour: black

  • Certyfikat zgodności opisu produktu z rzeczywistością
  • 10 year warranty SAX
  • punching

Prices tax incl.

846,26 PLNaverage

1 016,68 PLNmaximum

771,71 PLNminimum

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