, Ballpoint pens, Writing and correction products

Rollerball pen Spacetec A1, chrome

a DIPLOMAT D90113689CPV:30192121-5

  • Spacetec pens by DIPLOMAT with ink under pressure
  • you can write upside down, under water, in heat (up to 200 ° C), in frost (down to -50 ° C), and even in a weightless state
  • you can write more than three miles of text before refilling a refill, which is three times as much as most pens
  • all metal housing
  • side machine
  • ink color: black
  • housing color: chrome
  • 2 years warranty

Prices tax incl.

193,74 PLNaverage

208,53 PLNmaximum

178,35 PLNminimum

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